Wednesday, April 13, 2011

Easy Art: Pressed Leaves

When we moved into our first house, I planted a teeny, tiny Orangeola Japanese Maple tree. It was just a twig with a few leaves because I couldn't justify the cost of a larger one. I have nurtured that little tree for 7 years and it was just starting to turn into a really beautiful little tree until the top of it was broken off by some careless neighbors during one of their late night parties. So sad!

When I discovered what had happened to my little tree, I was so grateful that I had collected a few leaves from it the week before.

Not only do I love art that brings nature inside, but I'm also sentimental. I knew that we would not live in this home forever and that I wouldn't be taking my sweet tree with me when we moved. So I decided to press the leaves and find a way to display them in my home.

The leaves were so beautiful that I decided to go simple. I picked up a couple of clear acrylic magnetic frames from my local craft store and and wallah, instant art.

These make me smile every time I see them on my shelf.

Have a Happy Day!


  1. MJ, Those are truly beautiful works of natural art! What a great idea! I love them! I'm glad you could preserve your tree for your memories!
    Carol from Carol's Jewelry Orchard

  2. Those are beautiful! Really elegant.

  3. These are stunning, they make me want to run out and buy some frames and start to press leaves and flowers.
    I have a small Japanese maple in my garden and I am very anxious about how it fared this winter. Last spring was warm and it leafed out too early but then there was a late terrible frost and all the new foliage was killed. It did leaf out a second time but I know that it was weakened by this ordeal. Then we had this hard winter of -18 degree nights. So I am waiting anxiously to see if it survived.

  4. What a great idea! The leaves are beautiful.

    But I'll virtually slap your neighbors for you: *slap.*

  5. Those are gorgeous! I might have to use this idea when I redecorate my bedroom. The winters are so long here, I really need to have green things inside the house.

  6. A really lovely solution to a bad situation ... in this case the actions of some thoughtless neighbors had a silver lining!

  7. oh wow i love them!!! fantastic job!!

  8. Those are stunning....and so nice to have something from a previous home as a keepsake!

  9. Gorgeous! I've gotta get myself some frames and start pressing!!! Thanks for sharing.

  10. I would have never thought of such a beautiful decorative piece! brilliant!

  11. Look great and stunning!!! I wish have seen this before, because I lost a tree that I have for several years and I would love to have a remember of it.

  12. What a great idea; beautiful pieces!

  13. Stunning! Gorgeous! Beautiful! All of the above! Seriously, love these. Nice job. :D

  14. A beautiful way to display your memories.

  15. very beautiful --i tried to plant a Japanese Maple years ago and didn't succeed;>( so i know they are wonderful.
    marilyn g

  16. What a beautiful work of art. those leaves are spectacular
